we don't have the problem we had with Lich King where a lot of people just found Naxxramas too easy," he says. "We also have our Hard Mode philosophy better developed now, and we plan to have that right out of the gates with the Cataclysm content so that. There's no change to the philosophy of how Blizzard makes instances though, Chilton declaring himself happy with the status quo of normal and Heroic five-player runs, and raids for groups of 10 or 25. Nostalgia will reach overload, though, in the new level 85 Heroic versions of two much-loved low-level instances the spooky ghost-train of Shadowfang Keep and uproarious romp through the Deadmines will return, with all-new fights and creatures. Alongside new locations like Uldum, the Abyssal Maw and the mysterious Skywall, there's a nostalgic theme: Blackrock Caverns, a new five-man dungeon, is located in the old instance hub Blackrock Spire, and the Firelands, a raid on the elemental plane of fire, sees players take their second pop at Ragnaros.

Grim Batol will house one each of the four raids and eight dungeons planned for Cataclysm. The Twilight Highlands, east of the Wetlands, is a mountainous area that features port links for both Horde and Alliance, and Grim Batol, the great city which Deathwing has seized for his own. Uldum, an Egyptian-style delta that had been hidden from view by the Titans until the cataclysm destroyed one of their cloaking machines, is rumoured to hold a super-weapon and is home to a new race of stone cat-people, the Tol'vir. After Deepholm, you've two options to take you to level 85. A vast subterranean cavern located in the elemental plane of Earth, this is Deathwing's domain, overrun with his Twilight's Hammer cultists and delivering much of his story. These two level 78-82 areas lead to the "Dragonblight of this expansion", Deepholm.